- 2014-05-29
教科书不会教你的吊炸天的美语俚语 - 下面这些俚语可是被老美说烂的但教科书却不会提的地道美语哦,看完了你会顿觉长知识了!
1. Take a rain check
“改天”或 “下次”的意思。这是一个很口语的说法,比如:
A: “Hey, want to come t....[阅读全文]
- 2012-06-25
犯了错怎么办? - Everyone makes mistakes. Usually you can correct your error or just forget about it and move on. Making a mistake at wor....[阅读全文]
- 2012-05-15
用英语来谈论你的家庭 - 一个人可能有“brother”或者“sister”。我们也可以叫他们“siblings”。“Mom” 和“Dad”是对“parents”的称呼。他们也可以有一个或者两个“sibling”。妈妈的姐妹是“Aunt”;爸爸的兄弟是“Uncle”....[阅读全文]
- 2012-03-09
“雷人”的中英文菜单翻译 - 现在中国有很多老外,所以不管是在国内还是在国外的很多餐馆推出了中英文双语菜单,但有菜单的翻译却很“雷人”,看看下面一些“雷人”的翻译吧!
“童子鸡”按照其意思该怎样翻译?“还没有性生活的鸡”(Chicken Without Sexu....[阅读全文]
- 2012-03-01
网络热词英文翻译,你知道吗 - 网络时代,广受热捧的网络新词的英语翻译你知道多少呢?下面是小编的一些收集:
hikikomori (宅)
knock-off( 山寨)
old spinster( 剩女)
dumbfounded ( 囧)
angry youth(....[阅读全文]
- 2011-12-07
百科知识100句 - 1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn.1.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。
- 2011-12-06
面临辞职,如何辞得漂亮? - 金融危机当前,可能你不得不一个人做两个人以上的工作,还拿着可怜的薪水,再被老板呼来喝去,终于有一天,你在沉默中爆发,拍案而起,老子不干了!等等,你知道辞职怎样才能辞得漂亮吗?
Ready to resign? Before you....[阅读全文]
- 2011-12-06
职场女性每天只有30分钟"个人时间" - Sarah Jessica Parker recently played a frantic working mother struggling to 'have it all'.
莎拉 杰西卡 帕克最近扮演了一名拼命地想多头兼顾的忙乱的....[阅读全文]
- 2011-07-04
幸运的母亲 Lucky Mother - A young mother believed that it was very wrong to waste any food when there were so many hungry people in the world. One....[阅读全文]
- 2011-07-04
五百遍 Five Hundred Times - In the traffic court of a large mid-western city, a young lady was brought before the judge to answer a ticket given he....[阅读全文]
- 2011-07-04
不算太坏 Not too Bad - "Did you sell any of your paintings at the art show?"
"No, but I am encouraged," he replied. "Somebody stole one."
- 2011-05-14
让人吐血的中式英语(仅供娱乐) - 1.u ask me,i ask who?
2.if you no three no four,i will give you color see see
- 2011-02-24
一语双关的幽默句子 - 英语中有好多一语双关的幽默句子,现在为大家摘录一些常用幽默迷你句型,以供参考,据说是流传甚广的加菲猫语录哦。 1. Money is not everything. There's Mastercard and Visa. 钞票不是万能的....[阅读全文]
- 2011-02-24
英语口语中的“热”词—HOT - Hot在口语中可算是个露脸频率很高的词,它可以表示天气炎热、味道辣、性感、受欢迎等多重意思。下面我们一起来看一下hot的多种不同含义吧!1. Iceland is a really hot weekend destination at t....[阅读全文]
- 2010-11-19
什么是“午间危机” - 马不停蹄地忙了一上午,吃过午饭回到桌前发现还有那么多活儿没干完,这眼睛立马就不想睁着了。这样的mid-day crisis大概很多人都经历过吧。
Mid-day crisis refers to the situation when ....[阅读全文]
- 2010-11-10
稀奇古怪的面试表现 Outlandish performances in the interview -
Folks, with layoffs mounting, gas prices surreal, mortgage defaults on the rise, the stock market in a swoon, and much....[阅读全文]
- 2010-11-10
英美如何表达“去方便一下” - 汉语“去方便一下”是一句婉转语,即“去洗手间”。如今在一些正式场合,很少有人会说“去厕所”。在过去,“厕所”本来也是婉辞,原意是“侧面的房子”。(“茅房”过去也是婉辞,因为居住的正房多用瓦盖,而厕所则比较简陋,通常用茅草盖。) 英语里表示....[阅读全文]
- 2010-08-20
凯特的礼物 - Kate: Mom, do you know what I'm going to give you for your birthday? 凯特:妈妈,你知道我要给你一件什么生日礼物吗? Mom: No, Honey, what? 妈妈:不知....[阅读全文]
- 2010-08-18
超速的司机 - A highway patrol officer stopped a speeding motorist. "Don't you know what the blinking lights and siren mean?" he deman....[阅读全文]
- 2010-07-30
你的钟准吗 - Dan was the doorman of a club in a big city. Everyday, thousands of people passed his door, and a lot of them stopped a....[阅读全文]
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