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Back at my high school for the tenth reunion, I met my old coach. Walking through the gym, we came upon a plaque on which I was still listed as the record holder for the longest softball throw. Noticing my surprise, the coach said, "That record will stand forever." I was about to make some modest disclaimer that records exist to be broken, when he added, "We stopped holding that event years ago."
回到读高中的学校参加10周年聚会时,我遇到了上学时的教练。 一起走过体育馆的时候,我们看到一块纪念牌,上面还有我的垒球投掷最长距离的纪录。 看到我惊奇的神情,教练说,“这个记录会永远保持下去”。 我正想说几句谦虚的话,说纪录一定会有破的之类的时候,教练补充说,“几年前我们停止举办这项比赛了”。