So you’ve landed a much desired job in a foreign company, but every time you need to communicate with your boss in English, you freeze up. Fear not! Exhibit the following five qualities and use the corresponding phrases - they’re sure to make your boss love you!
积极的态度能得到相当不同的效果!用以下的句子向老板主动要求承担更多的任务让你的热情充分表现出来,〝I’d be happy to do that.〞 此外,通过问以下的问句来表现你非常乐意承担更多的责任,〝Is there anything else you’d like me to do?〞当然,当你的老板感谢你的工作时,用〝My pleasure〞来表现出你真的很喜欢现在做的事!
A positive attitude can make a big difference! Make your passion known by volunteering for tasks using the phrase,“I’d be happy to do that.” Additionally, communicate willingness to take on responsibilities by asking, “Is there anything else you’d like me to do?” Of course, when your boss thanks you for your work, reply with, “My pleasure” to show you truly like what you’re doing!
我们都喜欢和〝see eye to eye〞,的人在一起,或是和我们持相同意见的人在一起。支持老板的想法,这样你就一定能站到他或是她的一边。使用象〝Good point!〞、的短语 〝I couldn’t agree with you more〞和〝That’s exactly how I feel〞来转达赞同。你的老板会很欣赏你对他的拥护。
We all like to be around people who see eye to eye with us, or who hold the same opinions as we do. Be supportive of your boss’s ideas, and you’ll surely get on his or her good side. Use expressions like “Good point!”, “I couldn’t agree with you more” and “That’s exactly how I feel” to convey agreement. Your boss will appreciate your support.
记得简单的一句〝please〞或是〝thank you〞能起非常大的作用。就算你和老板或是经理关系很好,礼貌是非常重要的。如果你的老板和别人在交谈而你又有急事找他时,一定要说:〝Excuse me for interrupting.〞;如果你询问一些信息的话,你还可以加上,〝Please get back to me as soon as possible.〞。”最后,当他们回答后,告诉他们,〝Thanks for your help!〞。
Remember that a sincere “please” or “thank you” can go a long way. Even if you have a friendly relationship with your boss or manager, it’s important to be polite. If you have an urgent need while your boss is speaking with someone else, be sure to say, “Excuse me for interrupting.” If you request information, you can add, “Please get back to me as soon as possible.” Finally, when they respond, tell them, “Thanks for your help!”
努力工作是我们不可以忘记的重要方面!如果你〝on the ball〞或是能干而且有效率的话别人一定会欣赏你。当接受一项任务时,可以说:〝I’ll get right on that〞来表示你会马上开始工作的。又或是,如果你的老板要你做某事你可以这样告诉他或是她,〝I’ll get that to you by 6 p.m.〞 。
Hard work is an aspect we can’t forget! You will definitely be appreciated if you are on the ball, or capable and efficient in your work. When assigned a task, say, “I’ll get right on that” to show you will begin working on it immediately. Or, you can tell your boss, “I’ll get that to you by 6 p.m.” if he or she inquires about something you are working on.
如果你有非常好的主意,不要害怕表达出来!这能表现出你革新,进取和积极寻找改进公司运营方式的特质。使用类似以下的短语:〝I was thinking that it might be a good idea to...?〞或是〝Why don’t we...?〞 用一种毫无威胁感的方式表达你的想法。此外,充分做好被否定的准备,并不是所有的想法都是〝overnight hit〞 或马上就会成功的-但是这并代表你应该阻止你提出你的建议!
If you have a brilliant idea, don’t be afraid to suggest it! This reveals that you’re innovative, ambitious, and looking for ways to improve the company. Use phrases such as “I was thinking that it might be a good idea to...? or “Why don’t we...? to introduce your ideas in a non-threatening way. Additionally, prepare yourself for rejection, as not all ideas are an overnight hit, or immediate success - but that doesn’t mean you should stop suggesting them!