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案件 (-:-) case
案件受理费 (-:-) litigation fee
案由 (-:-) nature of case
暗补 (-:-) implicit subsidy
暗亏 (-:-) hidden loss
颁布 (-:-) issue
颁发营业执照 (-:-) license; to grant a licence to
办案 (-:-) handle a case
办理 (-:-) deal with
办理存款业务 (-:-) take deposits
包庇罪 (-:-) crime of concealing the murder
保护农民的生产积极性 (-:-) protect farmers' incentive to produce
保税区 (-:-) bonded area
保险法 (-:-) insurance law
保险凭证 (-:-) insurance certificate
保证 (-:-) warranty
保证 (-:-) guarantee
保证金 (-:-) bail
保证金 (-:-) margins
保证金帐户 (-:-) margin account
保证人,担保人 (-:-) guarantor
保证书 (-:-) indemnity
保证书 (-:-) covenant of warranty
保证条款 (-:-) warranty
保值利率 (-:-) inflation-proof interest rate
备付金 (-:-) excess reserves
被裁定为 (-:-) be adjudged to be
被陈述人 (-:-) representee
被告人辨解 (-:-) statement of the defendant
奔小康 (-:-) strive to prosper
本外币并账 (-:-) consolidation of domestic and foreign curreny accounts
本外币对冲操作 (-:-) sterilization operation
本位利益 (-:-) localized interest
币种搭配不当 (-:-) currency mismatch
币种构成 (-:-) currency composition
避税 (-:-) tax avoidance
变相社会集资 (-:-) disguised irregular fund raising
表外科目 (-:-) off-balance-sheet items
驳回 (-:-) dismiss
驳回 (-:-) reject
驳回上诉 (-:-) reject an appeal
薄弱环节 (-:-) weaknesses
补偿报酬 (-:-) compensatory payment
不变成本 (-:-) fixed cost
不变价 (-:-) at constant price
不动产 (-:-) real estate
不具有法律效力 (-:-) null
不具有法律效力 (-:-) void
不良贷款 (-:-) problem loans
不履行合同 (-:-) breach of contract
不履行合约 (-:-) repudiation of the contract
不名誉的行为及手法 (-:-) dishonourable conduct and practices
不能成立 (-:-) unable to establish
不时 (-:-) frequently
不予支持 (-:-) unassisted
不作为 (-:-) omission
财产分割 (-:-) properties division
财产所有权 (-:-) property right
财务公司 (-:-) finance companies
财政赤字 (-:-) fiscal deficit
财政挤银行 (-:-) fiscal pressure on the central bank
财政政策与货币政策的配合 (-:-) coordination of fiscal and monetary policies
裁定 (-:-) ruling
裁定 (-:-) order
采取循序渐进的方法 (-:-) in a phased and sequenced manner
操纵汇率 (-:-) manipulate exchange rate
操作弹性 (-:-) operational flexibility
产品构成 (-:-) product composition
产品积压 (-:-) stock pile
产权关系 (-:-) property relations
产权制度 (-:-) property order
产销率 (-:-) current period inventory
产销衔接 (-:-) marketability
产业政策 (-:-) industrial policy
长期国债 (-:-) treasury bonds
敞口头寸 (-:-) open position
炒股 (-:-) speculate in the stock market
撤消并发回给 (-:-) reversed and remanded to the original court
陈述 (-:-) state
成套机电产品 (-:-) complete sets of equipment; complete plant
承担 (-:-) assume
承担责任 (-:-) to be responsible for
承典人 (-:-) pledgee
承典人 (-:-) pawnee
承购包销 (-:-) underwrite
承认 (-:-) confess
城市合作银行 (-:-) urban cooperative banks; municipal united banks
城市商业银行 (-:-) municipal commercial banks
城市信用社 (-:-) urban credit cooperatives
城市住宅局 (-:-) City House Bureau
城乡居民收入增长超过物价涨幅 (-:-) real growth in household income
持续升温 (-:-) persistent overheating
筹资渠道 (-:-) funding sources
出典人 (-:-) pledgor
出典人 (-:-) pawnor
出口统一管理、归口经营 (-:-) canalization of exports
出口退税 (-:-) export tax rebate
出口退税制度 (-:-) the system of refunding taxes on exported goods
出口押汇 (-:-) bill purchased
出资比例 (-:-) ratio of investments
初见成效 (-:-) initial success
储蓄存款 (-:-) household deposits
储蓄分流 (-:-) diversion of household deposits
储源萎缩 (-:-) decline in the availability of household savings
处罚 (-:-) penalty
触犯 (-:-) violate
传导机制 (-:-) transmission mechanism
传销 (-:-) pyramid selling
串通 (-:-) collaborate
从价税 (-:-) ad valorem tax
从紧控制 (-:-) tight control
从宽处理 (-:-) lenient punishment, liberal punishment
从轻处罚 (-:-) lesser punishment
从轻处罚 (-:-) lighter punishment
从轻处罚 (-:-) impose a lenient sentence
从轻原则 (-:-) the principle of lighter punishment
从事 (-:-) commit
从重处罚 (-:-) heavier punishment
从重处罚 (-:-) severe punishment
存贷款比例 (-:-) loan ratio
存款保险体系 (-:-) deposit insurance system
存款货币银行 (-:-) deposit money banks
存款机构 (-:-) deposit-taking institution
存款准备金 (-:-) required reserves
挫折 (-:-) frustration
措词 (-:-) worded
错漏 (-:-) error|mistake
答复 (-:-) Reply
打白条 (-:-) issue IOU
打官司 (-:-) initiate legal proceeding
打击 (-:-) struggle against
打假 (-:-) crack down on counterfeit goods
打假办 (-:-) Office of Cracking down on Fake Products
大厂回族自治县 (-:-) Dachang Hui Nationality Autonomous Region
大额存单 (-:-) certificate of deposit
大额提现 (-:-) withdraw deposits in large amounts
大股 (-:-) substantial shareholder
大股东控权人 (-:-) majority shareholder controller
大化瑶族自治县 (-:-) Dahua Yao Nationality Autonomous County
大连市 (-:-) Daliang Municipality
大律师 (-:-) barrister
大律师的收费 (-:-) counsel's fees
大律师登记册 (-:-) roll of baristers
大律师公会 (-:-) Hong Kong Bar Association
大律师见习职位 (-:-) pupillage
大律师名册 (-:-) panels of counsels
大律师事务所 (-:-) barristers' chambers,chambers of counsel
大律师书记 (-:-) barrister's clerk
大面积滑坡 (-:-) wide-spread decline
大批 (-:-) bulk
大一统的银行体制 (-:-) mono-bank system
呆账(请见"坏账") (-:-) bad loans
呆账准备金 (-:-) loan loss reserves
呆滞贷款 (-:-) idle loans
代理国库 (-:-) act as fiscal agent
代理检察员 (-:-) acting prosecutor
代理金融机构贷款 (-:-) make loans on behalf of other institutions
代理人 (-:-) agent
代理审判员 (-:-) acting judge
代通知金 (-:-) payment in lieu of notice
代销 (-:-) sales by proxy
贷款沉淀 (-:-) non-performing loans
贷款分类 (-:-) loan classification
贷款限额管理 (-:-) credit control; to impose credit ceiling
贷款约束机制 (-:-) credit disciplinary mechanism
戴帽贷款 (-:-) ear-marked loans
丹东市 (-:-) Dandong Municipality
丹阳市 (-:-) Danyang Municipality
单位 (-:-) entity unit
单务合同 (-:-) unilateral contract
担保 (-:-) guarantee
担保人 (-:-) guarantor
担保书 (-:-) certificate of guarantee
但书 (-:-) proviso
当事人 (-:-) litigant
当事人起诉要求 (-:-) the litigants sue for
党政分工 (-:-) division of labour between the Party and the government
档案工作人员 (-:-) file clerk
倒逼机制 (-:-) reversed transmission of the pressure for easing mone-tary condition
盗窃枪支 (-:-) crime of stealing firearms and ammunition
盗窃武器装备 (-:-) theft of military equipment
道德风险 (-:-) moral hazard
道真仡佬族苗族自治县 (-:-) Daozheng Mulao Nationality Autonomous County
得到证实 (-:-) to be believed
得利者 (-:-) beneficiary
抵触 (-:-) contravene
抵押 (-:-) mortgage
抵押品 (-:-) pledge
抵押物 (-:-) mortgage
地方人民检察院 (-:-) Local People's Procuratorate
地区差别 (-:-) regional disparity
地役权 (-:-) easement
递延资产 (-:-) deferrable assets
第二产业 (-:-) the secondary industry
第二审判庭 (-:-) second tribunal
第三产业 (-:-) the service industry; the tertiary industry
第三者 (-:-) the third party
第一产业 (-:-) the primary industry
第一审判庭 (-:-) first tribunal
典当物 (-:-) pledge
调查 (-:-) investigation
调查报告 (-:-) investigation
调查取证 (-:-) investigate and collect evidence
调节流动性 (-:-) influence liquidity level
调解 (-:-) mediate
调解和强制措施 (-:-) mediation and enforcement measure
调解书 (-:-) mediation agreement
调解书字号 (-:-) Written Mediation No.
订货不足 (-:-) insufficient orders
订货合同卡片 (-:-) a card of contract
订立 (-:-) formation
定案结论 (-:-) verdict
定案理由 (-:-) reason for decision
定金 (-:-) deposit
定期存款 (-:-) time deposits
定期减免所得税 (-:-) regular reduction of income tax
定向募集 (-:-) raising funds from targeted sources
定性 (-:-) determination on the nature
丢弃 (-:-) waive
东北人民政府 (-:-) Northeast People's Government
东道国 (-:-) host country
东乡族自治县 (-:-) Dongxiang Nationality Autonomous County
董事会 (-:-) board of directors
动机 (-:-) intention, motive
冻干健康人血浆 (-:-) frozen dry healthy human blood
冻干血浆 (-:-) frozen dry blood plasma
冻结 (-:-) freeze, suspend
都安瑶族自治县 (-:-) Duan Yao Nationality Autonomous County
毒品罪 (-:-) narcotic drug crime
渎职罪 (-:-) crime of dereliction of duty
独立的不法行为 (-:-) independent wrong
独立个案 (-:-) individual cases
独立核算 (-:-) independent accounting
独立核算工业企业 (-:-) independent accounting unit
独立请求书 (-:-) independent claim
独立审判 (-:-) independent adjudication
短期国债 (-:-) treasury bills
断绝 (-:-) cease
对冲操作 (-:-) sterilization operation; hedging
对等原则 (-:-) principle of reciprocity
对等原则并参照国际惯例 (-:-) the principle of reciprocity and in reference to the international practice
对非金融部门债权 (-:-) claims on non-financial sector
对合同词句应当按照事情是有效的而不是无效的来理解 (-:-) verba ita sunt intelligenda ut res magis valeat guam pareat
对金钱借贷的规定 (-:-) regulations of money lending
对滥用职权的法律补救 (-:-) legal remedy for abuses of power
对立的一方 (-:-) opposite party
对令状的发出作确认 (-:-) acknowledge the issue of the writ
对上诉抗辩 (-:-) oppose an appeal
对书面文件的词句应当按照对提出词句的当事人尤为不利的原则来解释 (-:-) verba chartarum fortius accipiuntur contra proferentem